I'm a Singapore event photographer; specializing in corporate events, weddings and birthday parties.


Bumble Bee Water Taxi

Spotted near Clarke Quay. Operated by Duck & Hippo ( http://www.ducktours.com.sg/ ). This isn't a cruise or sightseeing tour boat. It's designed for daily commuting ( http://imcms2.mediacorp.sg/CMSFileserver/documents/006/PDF/20100416/1604HNP012.pdf ). This means higher speed, and no tour guide. It has a fixed route, so it's more a bus than a taxi.

Nikon D7000, 18-105mm f3.5-5.6
  • At 66mm, f5.3, ISO 1600, 1/15 seconds
  • Manual exposure, center-weighted meter, auto white balance
  • Picasa: Crop, auto contrast, fill light.
1/15 seconds is risky for a moving object like this. I was taking photos of scenery along the river, wasn't planning on photographing any boats, when this sleekly irresistible, brightly colored thing came along. Didn't have time to change the shutter speed. Panned the camera to reduce motion blur (you can see that the wall in the background is blurred out because of this). The len's VR image stabilization really works.