The Youth Park is part of the irritatingly-named *Scape ( ) area near Orchard Road, set aside for youth facilities and activities. Note that the website domain name is, because you can't put a "*" in a domain name. Nice going guys, good job confusing people.
The bus is a real derelict, as far as I can tell. I remember a cafe being inside, but that doesn't seem to have worked out. "Graffiti" on the benches are commissioned and officially sanctioned. I mean, this is Singapore. Before you start romanticizing about real graffiti, read Heather Mac Donald's article, Radical Graffiti Chic ( ).
- Nikon D7000, 35mm f1.8
- At 35mm, f4, ISO 1600, 1/60 seconds
- Program exposure, center-weighted metering, auto white balance
- Picasa: Auto contrast, crop, straighten